Thursday, October 20, 2011

Realities of Psalm 23

I posted this 3 posts below. I then wrote a note on it in Facebook, and thought I would share it here too!

From a post on my blog (page =
I realised that things seem to have some order. Weird!! But, again...I have had a bit too much sleep today to make much sense! Here goes:

Relationship (The Lord is my Shepherd) -
Tuesday...went to cell group - always a reminder that we are in a spiritual battle. The answer seems easy - focus on God and on his word. So why is it always so hard to follow through on? Still know that we are the Lord's joy :)

Provision (I shall not want) - Wednesday...spending time with friends, at work, with family and knowing I have all I need, and that all I need is a gift :)

Rest (He makes me to lie down in green pastures) - Today...woke up feeling EXHAUSTED - as if I hadn't slept in weeks! Been sick over the last week, but been carrying on as I haven't been 'feeling' sick. Nose is all stuffy today - bleh! Realised that excuses, paranoia and assumptions dont help, so just trying to 'rest'. Feel so guilty missing work :( but so encouraged with all the messages from my friends :)

Rejuvenate (He leads me beside the still waters) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me feel like this tomorrow!!!! Going to see doc. Really need to learn to stop over doing things!!! Need to learn to say no!

Healing (He restores my soul) - My soul affects my I'm happy with restoration of my soul! :)

Guidance with Counsellor (He leads me in the paths of righteousness) - Shouldn't only be because it's a Sunday...but guidance is discipline, and church is always a good reminder of this!

Purpose in Life (For His name sake) - Excited and scared!!

Tribulations and Testing (Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death) -'s only a shadow... (wow)

Protection (I will fear no evil) - WOW!

Faithfulness and fully present (For Thou art with me) - If this is something we could all know - there would be no fear.

Discipline (Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me) - Eish - more discipline!

Hope and Reward (Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies) - God has some incredible promises! :)

Sanctification (He anoints my head with oil) - Another promise!

Abundance (My cup runs over) - Another promise!

Blessing and Recognition (Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life) - Another promise!

Security (And I will dwell in the house of the Lord) - Another promise!

Eternity (Forever) - Another promise! KAPOW!!!!

Amen :)
Psalms 23

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