Sunday, October 23, 2011
Favourites from Twitter
“Pharisees are critical; Disciples are inquisitive.” @Jonathan_Dodson
aaronrgillespie aaron gillespie
When it feels like you can't. You can, because he did
TheMikeEllis Mike Ellis
Shane Claiborne: Grace dulls even the sharpest sword.
billjohnsonBJM Bill Johnson
You have authority over any storm you can sleep in.
louiegiglio Louie Giglio
RT @bobgoff: Don't settle for doing what you're able to do; figure out what you were made to do and then do lots of that.
nickygumbel Nicky Gumbel
‘Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power’ Abraham Lincoln
BurkParsons Burk Parsons
RT @jrvassar: God took an eternity of what I deserve, bound it up into a moment and unleashed it on Jesus; eternal wrath in concentrate.
CSLewisDaily C. S. Lewis
Tho I'm 39 years old as a man, I'm only 12 as a Christian, so if you find some time, mention me in your prayers-CSLewis
MaxLucado Max Lucado
Others measure your waist size or wallet. God examines hearts. When he finds 1 set on him, he calls it and claims it.
jonacuff Jon Acuff
"If anyone asks I have regrets in my career as a basketball player, I have one, I wish I was a better father" Dennis Rodman
DarleneZschech Darlene Zschech
Woke up SO expectant for all that the Lord is doing across the earth TODAY. So, let's lean in with hungry hearts, expect the miraculous x D
BurkParsons Burk Parsons
Christian, draw near to God and he will draw near to you (James 4).
louiegiglio Louie Giglio
God's love was not won by our performance, but His. The pressure's off, so why not attempt something great for Him today!
chrisseidman Chris Seidman
One of the biggest challenges in life/ministry is to live FROM the blessing of God instead of living FOR the blessing of others.
TheMikeEllis Mike Ellis
RT @artiedavis: So thankful God's love for me is higher than the heavens. Even when I feel like crap!
darrinpatrick Darrin Patrick
One reason why the church has little influence over the world is because the world has much influence over it. Spurgeon
JohnPiper John Piper
After praying all night to be utterly in tune with the Father, Jesus chose Judas to be one of the twelve. Luke 6:12-16
loyisomusic Loyiso Bala
"If God be your partner, you better make your plans BIG"
michaelchatman Michael Chatman
When I was younger, I used to admire wealthy people; now that I'm wiser, I admire kind people.
louiegiglio Louie Giglio
A miracle happens every time we pray. One of us, talking to the God of the Universe, is the greatest miracle of all.
AdrianWrightSA Adrian Wright
The issue of faith is not so much whether we believe in God, but whether we believe the God we believe in - R. C. Sproul
jonacuff Jon Acuff
I’m trying to send my 2 daughters into the world so full of love that when culture tries to spill them, they will not empty
JohnPiper John Piper
No one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. (Mat 11:27) Now we know whom to ask.
JohnPiper John Piper
God disapproves of the moral nature of many things he plans to happen, like the crucifixion of his Son (Acts 4:27).
JohnPiper John Piper
“Full of the Holy Spirit, he gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God” (Acts 7:55). This is why I want the Holy Spirit.
joeyrasdien Yusuf Rasdien
Why are people from war torn countries so calm and people from big cities so impatient?
PJ_Smyth PJ Smyth
We don’t need a meeting of Really Nice Guys; we need a gathering of Really Dangerous Men.
marklstevens Mark Stevens
"What would you do if you had NO fear???!!! Whatever your answer is... That's what fear is robbing you from." TD Jakes
Jeremy Camp
RT @PaulTripp: You don't just believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you daily and specifically live out of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Craig Bosman
Just heard this: Don't take things too seriously. Don't take things personally. Don't take things.
Nathan Lawrence
Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' album was banned in Lebanon. This has to be the first time I wished I lived in a Middle Eastern country.
Jonathan Acuff
God's heart for redeeming your failures is relentless. Tonight may you see your mistakes through his eyes, not your own.
Chris Quilala
Night everyone, I pray you dream of heaven and wake up filled with His presence :)
Simply ask God for an encounter with Him – He is faithful.
DarleneZschech Darlene Zschech
Sweet sleep all.. Tomorrow holds more wonder.. X D
Godly Men
Godly men stick up for people, not make fun of them.
Godly men honor women, not belittle them.
Godly men love their gay and lesbian neighbors, not ridicule them.
Godly men celebrate femininity, not trash it.
Godly men own their sexuality, not flaunt it.
Godly men pursue peace, not dismiss it.
Godly men rise above violence, not glorify it.
Godly men build up the Church, not embarrass it.
Godly men imitate Christ—who praised the gentle and the peacemakers, who stood up for the exploited and abused, who showed compassion for the downtrodden, who valued women, and who loved his enemies to the point of death.
(I wish I could remember who wrote this!)
Kirk Franklin Quote
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Realities of Psalm 23
From a post on my blog (page =
I realised that things seem to have some order. Weird!! But, again...I have had a bit too much sleep today to make much sense! Here goes:
Relationship (The Lord is my Shepherd) - Tuesday...went to cell group - always a reminder that we are in a spiritual battle. The answer seems easy - focus on God and on his word. So why is it always so hard to follow through on? Still know that we are the Lord's joy :)
Provision (I shall not want) - Wednesday...spending time with friends, at work, with family and knowing I have all I need, and that all I need is a gift :)
Rest (He makes me to lie down in green pastures) - Today...woke up feeling EXHAUSTED - as if I hadn't slept in weeks! Been sick over the last week, but been carrying on as I haven't been 'feeling' sick. Nose is all stuffy today - bleh! Realised that excuses, paranoia and assumptions dont help, so just trying to 'rest'. Feel so guilty missing work :( but so encouraged with all the messages from my friends :)
Rejuvenate (He leads me beside the still waters) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me feel like this tomorrow!!!! Going to see doc. Really need to learn to stop over doing things!!! Need to learn to say no!
Healing (He restores my soul) - My soul affects my I'm happy with restoration of my soul! :)
Guidance with Counsellor (He leads me in the paths of righteousness) - Shouldn't only be because it's a Sunday...but guidance is discipline, and church is always a good reminder of this!
Purpose in Life (For His name sake) - Excited and scared!!
Tribulations and Testing (Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death) -'s only a shadow... (wow)
Protection (I will fear no evil) - WOW!
Faithfulness and fully present (For Thou art with me) - If this is something we could all know - there would be no fear.
Discipline (Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me) - Eish - more discipline!
Hope and Reward (Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies) - God has some incredible promises! :)
Sanctification (He anoints my head with oil) - Another promise!
Abundance (My cup runs over) - Another promise!
Blessing and Recognition (Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life) - Another promise!
Security (And I will dwell in the house of the Lord) - Another promise!
Eternity (Forever) - Another promise! KAPOW!!!!
Amen :)
Psalms 23
Everyone of us needs at least ONE thing off this list:
Relationship (The Lord is my Shepherd)
Provision (I shall not want)
Rest (He makes me to lie down in green pastures)
Rejuvenate(He leads me beside the still waters)
Healing (He restores my soul)
Guidance with Counsellor (He leads me in the paths of righteousness)
Purpose in Life (For His name sake)
Tribulations and Testing (Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death)
Protection (I will fear no evil)
Faithfulness and fully present (For Thou art with me)
Discipline (Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me)
Hope and Reward (Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies)
Sanctification (He anoints my head with oil)
Abundance (My cup runs over)
Blessing and Recognition (Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life)
Security (And I will dwell in the house of the Lord)
Eternity (Forever)
Psalms 23
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Braaiday - (Rebecca Black "Friday" Parody)
It is also celebrated by ex-pats all over the world - and awakens more SA pride and spirit than Tri Nations.
One warning! Every Friday, or every time you have a braai, this song will find it's way out of your subconscious, and expresses itself as a spontaneous hum or an embarrassing burst into the chorus.
Here it is...
Jonathan Acuff Quote
Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, and Abraham Lincoln changed the world without social media. You can too.
Interesting article by an Aussie journo... LIMITING THE POWER OF THE WHISTLE
There are no doubt a lot of Australian rugby supporters celebrating our victory over the Springboks yesterday. There are also a number of us that are wondering how on earth we managed to pull it off against a side that dominated possession and territory and lineouts. Now, I don’t want to take anything away from the Australian victory – our boys did perform superbly but on the day the Springboks were, we have to admit, the better side. The boks, as always were magnanimous in defeat with a somewhat pragmatic approach to the result. I wonder what our boys would have said faced with the same situation of blatant incompetence by Mr Bryce Lawrence. I support Australia and always will but for those of us that believe in fair play this was a hollow victory. This was very much like fighting a worthy opponent with one arm strapped behind his back – it leaves a bad taste. There were rumours about Mr Lawrence’s impartiality before kick-off from a lot of ex pat South Africans now living in Australia but we tend to dismiss these conspiracy theories with a grin. Certainly, Mr Lawrence’s performance on the field did nothing to dispel those theories. His performance was nothing short of abysmal. He did not award the bok try because of a dubious forward pass. I have looked and looked and to me, anyway, it did not look forward. Minutes later when the boks once again breached our defences and were well on the way to scoring another try, he called them back for a forward pass. If the first call was contentious, there certainly was nothing wrong with the second one. Here, I must ask – why not use the “eye in the sky”? An impressive expensive piece of equipment that should be used for such decisions. He failed to penalise Pocock for slowing the ball down. If we had played like that against the All Blacks, they would not have been so quiet about it. – and rightly so. In the dying minutes of the game he was in full view of at least 2 high tackles by our boys that went unpunished. Any of these transgressions, if properly acted on, would have surely given the game to the Boks with their advantage over territory. To rub salt in the South African wounds, he awarded a high tackle to the Wallabies for a chest high tackle. We won, but did we really? Our sport has always been regarded as a “hooligans game played by gentlemen” – If we do not want rugby union to degenerate into a farce that soccer can become we need to make sure that our refs are of suitable calibre. They need to be trustworthy gentlemen. Mr Lawrence, I would advise against any planned holidays to South Africa for a couple of years. Chris Davis The Australian