Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 - The year that overstayed it's welcome.

2010 ended up as more of a gap year than anything else. I really felt like I was living a student lifestyle again – depending on my parents, being able to structure my time and having no money.

As I had been officially ‘unemployed’ for the last year, I also had to make a plan to bring in some cash…leading to a very interesting year! (All legal and dignified!)

During this time I seriously had no control over my finances, work, health or life in general – leading to a BIG test of my faith, but despite all the obstacles, there were plenty miracles, one being that I am still here!

I would love to write everything about the year to give you the full experience of ‘packing up your life and moving back home’, but I’ll spare you the details (you may now collectively sigh in relief) and live it through pictures I took along the way…enjoy – or pretend to at least!

Two of many AMAZING things that happened this year need to be mentioned.

A friend of mine was in a very bad car accident, and as he doesn’t have Medical Aid, he ended up in a government hospital. It was really hard to see him in such a uncaring environment and with such little treatment. When they finally did surgery, they discovered his lower intestine had burst and his body had basically poisoned itself. The wound from the op went septic, so they literally ripped it open with no anesthetic. I have never seen anyone in so much pain in my life and his body kept going into shock with every breath he took from the pain. I saw him on a Friday evening and honestly thought he wasn’t going to make it through the night. We had all organised for people to pray for him, and just through Facebook and word of mouth, he had support from all over the world. A R100 000 cheque arrived from a guy in the UK who didn’t know him but had heard his story. By Sunday, my friend was in such a bad state that he had given up and realized that he wasn’t going to make it. Many of the prayer groups happened on Sunday night, and on Monday morning, he was completely healed. Other than the wound that needed dressing, there was nothing wrong. He could walk around and was home by the Wednesday. I’ve never seen anything like it! He is still doing really well and loving life.

I’ll try keep this one short! My uncle was diagnosed with cancer in the beginning of the year. It had spread to his lungs and was too close to his heart to be operated on. He had a bad reaction to his meds and ended up in hospital to build up strength for a different chemo. After lots of prayer from all over the world, he had a routine scan, and the cancer had cleared! He completed his radiation treatment and has recently had another scan confirming that he is in remission and only has to go for another check up in 6 months!

Sometimes it is hard to see, but God is so good all the time.

We already have exciting news about 2011! We found out the other day that Adam is going to be a big brudder (brother) as Nicki is due in June!

My exciting news is that I am starting a job at Leicester Road School (where Nicki teaches) running the library! (Who would have thought??). It is a three quarter day position, so a good job for getting back into the working world. And I’ll finally be earning a salary again which I think my parents are most excited about!

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