Friday, December 3, 2010

CD Review: Jars of Clay presents The Shelter

Jars of Clay decided to borrowed a few friends and bands and have brought us as album called The Shelter.

It has to be noted that these ‘friends’ all happen to be some of the greatest artists Contemporary Christian music has seen in recent years, such as Toby Mac, Thad Cockrell, Brandon Heath and Amy Grant to name a few. Bands include Tenth Avenue North (Mike Donehey), Fireflight (Dawn Michele), Third Day (Mac Powell), Gungor and Burlap to Cashmere.

The message throughout the album is one of community. The band makes mention of an old Irish saying, which translates: “It is in the shelter of each other that the people live”. It’s the concept of ubuntu – but this time in the western world. Nice.

The Shelter is varied enough to keep your attention throughout without moving away from the distinctive Jars of Clay sound. This album is a perfect reflection as to why the band has been around for as long as they have. It’s really great and the more I hear it, the more I love it.

I love collaborations, and I love to sing along – so this is definitely my year-end album for 2010. If you are a Jars of Clay fan, this album is a definite must!

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