Friday, June 4, 2010

It's a pizza LIE!

The old wives tale/tip for the modern woman about heating up cold pizza in a frying pan is a LIE!!!!!

I'm guessing the idea is that it is quicker than heating it up an oven, and stays crispier than it would had it ended up in a microwave. Both ideas are true. The result, unfortunately...not so much.

Yes - my lack of patience (YET AGAIN) got in the way of my experiment, and I guess I shouldn't have put the gas up the highest it could go. I shouldn't have ignored the sizzling I heard from the kitchen while I was trying to warm up at the heater in the lounge. And as for testing one piece before tossing the entire thing in wasn't my finest moment of the day.

The base was scorched, the topping ice cold, and the kitchen is filled with smoke (AGAIN), but some lessons you have to learn the hard way I guess...which is, incidentally, why I am warning anyone who feels the need to test this ridiculously stupid theory.

So unless you enjoy food that leaves a carbonised aftertaste, or something that looks a bit like a lung of a heavy smoker, or scrubbing the burned bits off your mom's frying pan - I'd advise you take the time and use the oven.