Between Steve, Clauds and I we have decided to call it quits. “Why?” you may ask, “Why stop now at the pinicle of your reviewing career and at a time when SA music is better than it has ever been?” may run through your thoughts. Well…in true Steve Stevens style, like true champions, we decided to quit while we’re ahead. It doesn’t feel as good as people say. It’s kind of sad really.
So now is the time for all the thank you’s, we’ll miss you’s, it’s been great’s and all that jazz. In all honesty…it has. It’s been the most awesome time really. We have made so many friends and enemies it’s hard to keep up! From the music that made our ears bleed to the incredible, and usually unknown, bands that give us full hope that SA music is going to be a global phenominon. We are so honored to have been a part of something so much bigger than what we thought we were getting ourselves into, and greatful that you have all let us be honest about our experiences and been so receptive to all our crazy ideas and antics.
What will we take with us? Everything from the makeshift MySpace site in the “old” YOURBANDSUCKSASS days with our Wall of Shame, Suckass bands, Worst song ever to the YOURBANDSOUTHAFRICA days of Kickass band, Dirty band boys and girls, Send a rand to save a band, the revealing of the true Steve Stevens. We were treated like royalty which was kinda weird while on other occassions our opinions were insulted…sometimes to the point of threats to shut down our site. We had a kickass birthday party; reviewed over 100 bands in less than a year; hung out back stage; got free tickets to gigs; free CDs; got to write for some top SA music sites and see our names in “neon”. Wow…so many more things…you just need to take a look through the reviews – they are all there – every gig…
Whats happening now?
You will still be seing the odd review here and there, so keep an eye out. We will still be hanging out at gigs – it is still a true passion. We are all on Facebook, so please friend request us as we want to keep in contact with everyone who shares in our love for the SA music scene. Individually:
STEVE STEVENS is going to bum around in the appartment he bought after winning a lucky game of poker at Monte Casino and is going to drink beer and get fat and…He doesn’t really exist, so we’ll leave it at that.
CLAUDIA COUTSIDES is going to be travelling to the UK – their music scene has NO idea of what they are in for.
KERRY-ANNE FALLER (me)…I am busy working and also managing a band called Finding Noah (a YBSA recommendation – it had to be done!).
We have full confidence that all our kick ass bands are going to do just that…kick some serious ass! You know who you are!
Now for some big THANK YOUs that really have to be done…these people are all really cool in our books!
The bands. All of you.The good ones, the bad ones, the questionable ones…we love you all – it was because of you guys and for all you guys that we did this.
The band members of the kick ass bands – continue writing, loving, inspiring…it’s a hard industry with little support and money but it can be done!
The band members of the suck ass bands – support the scene…quit your band (that’s a comment from Steve)
Candice and Deane…BIG THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! For the good times. For the drinks. For dealing with our silliness…none of this could have been marginally possible without you guys.
The managers…Tash, Cher, Morgan – you are doing some amazing stuff, thank you for including us in everything.
“Our” bands, Evolver and Voodoo Child – thank you for making us feel like part of what you are doing.
The Parlotones for keeping us endlessly entertained with their awesome interviews. Glen, for always being willing to help out in any way.
Gareth (Gravity Wins Again) for being such a big fan with such a big heart and for keeping such a big secret. You are going to do so well.
Klement (Vile Minds) for hooking us up with the cool friend request program…we salute you in the name of spam.
Stay Astray…thanks for playing at our party.
The Privates…for never complaining about being on our Wall of Shame from Day 1.
Bel…our Durban/International reviewer – your writing put ours to shame.
Erin…for being Steve’s girlfriend. Ha ha.
Richard (Music Industry Online) – we’re still available for concerts…we’ll keep in touch. YBSA loves www.mio.co.za
Lesedi (Next Movement) for seeing the potential – sorry it all happened too late…we will keep you updated – things can only get bigger from here! (www.nextmovement.co.za)
There are so many people to thank, and I know it sounds lame, but EVERYONE who had a part to play – especially the band members who were always our most loyal fans.
I really hope I havent missed anyone. Oh man. Steve wouldn’t care, but we do.
So that’s it.
That was YBSA.
See you around…
P.S. Check out the last review. It’s of the myepic EP posted in the YOURBANDSOUTHAFRICA group.
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